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North Coogee Renaming Proposal - Assessment and Outcome

Please see the link below to a copy of the North Coogee Renaming Proposal Assessment by Landgate.


This will be presented to Council to be received at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.


The proposal cannot proceed following this decision by Landgate. Any questions should be directed to

Executive Summary

Landgate has completed a preliminary assessment of the City of Cockburn Proposal, (the Proposal), (refer to Appendix 1 and 2) to split the locality of North Coogee and rename the northern portion Catherine Point and the southern portion Port Coogee (refer to Appendix 3). 

Names are intended to be enduring, particularly locality names which form a key component of a property address. Any change to a locality name or boundary has a significant impact on residents, local businesses and the many service providers which rely on an address, including Australia Post and Emergency Services. 

In addition, the cost and effort of Local Government to undertake community consultation required to support any proposed change is immense and the cost and effort of State government agencies to update changes to addresses is significant. There are approximately 2000 properties impacted by this proposal. 

Changes to a locality name or boundary will only be considered where a significant and compelling need for the change is demonstrated, and the change will achieve positive outcomes that outweigh any private or corporate interests, or short-term effects. 

The Proposal states the compelling need for change is due to the development of two different and distinguishable communities within North Coogee, separated both geographically and culturally. As stated in the Proposal “The division of the suburb is proposed to be at McTaggart Cove which is the point at which a clearly defined green corridor occurs and where the land is significantly constrained by the narrowing of the suburb boundary, the rail corridor, and the Power Station switchyard.” (refer to Appendix 1) 

The City of Cockburn’s Report on the Proposal states “The ‘Cockburn Coast’ development will occur in the medium term and will result in the connectivity upon which the original ‘North Coogee’ name was premised. Changing the names to reflect the current distribution of population will eventually conflict with the logic of the approved Structure Plans for the entire ‘Cockburn Coast’, which spans all of ‘North Coogee’.” 

The future planning vision for this area, as advised by Development WA (refer to Appendix 4) and the City of Cockburn, is for the developed estates to become an interconnected community. While there are claims that the area today has the appearance of being developed as two different communities, this will change as the area becomes fully developed. It is commonplace for localities to contain a mix of different residential and commercial precincts. This is not sufficient justification to support the division of North Coogee. 

Therefore, dividing North Coogee into two new localities will be contrary to future planning considerations and Landgate supports the City of Cockburn statement that the Proposal conflicts with the logic of the planning strategy defined in the approved Structure Plans. 

Landgate’s assessment of the Proposal is that a significant and compelling need for the change has not been demonstrated and the Proposal is not supported. The Minister for Lands is supportive of Landgate's decision.

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