Well, if you’re a resident or property owner within South Beach and Shoreline then CPCG is here to help you with issues that you feel are impacting or could concern our community.
We can discuss and make representations to the relevant authorities wherever possible. However we will not get involved with neighbour disputes or more localised issues unless it’s going to affect the broader community.
Sometimes issues that arise are the responsibility of City Cockburn Council in which case the place to go is www.cockburn.wa.gov.au.
Meantime, in the first instance you can contact us on info@catherinepoint.com
For some reason our comments keep getting archived ? We attended the community gathering (last Sunday the 10th of March 2024) with the intention of addressing our concerns, as the event was advertised as an opportunity for residents to voice any issues regarding the community. However, we encountered significant resistance from the Catherine Point Community Group (CPCG), who seemed determined to dismiss our concerns outright. Our primary issue revolved around the proposed name change to Catherine Point and the glaring lack of community involvement in the decision-making process. There was virtually no consultation conducted, which raised serious questions about the legitimacy of the submission made to Landgate.
During the meeting, it became evident that many committee members were unaware of the…